Our Services - Don Mottola Medical Center
10 11 Don Mottola Medical Center Our Services - Extensive day-center rehab Don Mottola Medical Center Our Services - Extensive day-center rehab DAY CENTER FOR CHILDREN UROLOGICAL REHABILITATION In a young age complex disabilities can arise as a result of traumatic events and / or problems related to the occurrence of specific learning or autistic disorders. Our team has developed a rehabilitation project for a structure that allows for an intervention integrated for children with specific learning disorders (SLD) regarding ability to read, write and calculate correctly, which occur at the beginning of schooling. Based on the type of specific difficulty they entail, these issues comprise: dyslexia (reading disorder that involves difficulties in decoding the written text); dysorthography (writing disorder, which manifests itself with difficulty in spelling and phonographic competence); dysgraphia (handwriting disorder that involves difficulty in the motor ability of writing); dyscalculia (disturbance affecting the sphere of numbers and mathematical calculations). The rehabilitation project therefore addresses the child in its physical, mental, affective, communicative and relational state as a whole, involving the family and the socio-educational environmental context. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Psychological Support and Counseling Cognitive-behavioral therapy is for children with cognitive and adaptive issues, linked to various development pathologies, which manifest themselves, for example in limited learning abilities, obstacles to verbal communication and emotional, behavioral impulsivity and attention deficit. The approach to the child centers on neuropsychological aspects, affecting the faculties of memory, of language, attention and executive functions indispensable for the subject to organize its own actions The diagnosis phase and the progress of therapy are monitored on international scientific scales, which make it possible to record the progress of the person being treated and the influence of environmental factors. In addition, we offer families a parental counseling service. Pre-adolescent or adolescent children have the opportunity to use, within the rehabilitation process, psychological support therapy, which offers moments of dialogue and tools to deal with adaptive difficulties. Perineal rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary intervention in multiple uro-gynecological dysfunctions, aimed at the functional recovery of the pelvic floor. It is indicated for the following pathologies: • Stress induced urinary incontinence • Urgency urinary incontinence with the aim of using perineal contraction to inhibit the urgent stimulus and urgency. • Fecal incontinence and anal hypertonia • Male urinary incontinence after surgical interventions • Urinary retention with the aim of obtaining vesical emptying • Postpartum with the aim of restoring functional and preventive perineal mechanics In-patient urological rehabilitation service is addressing both post-surgical patients in the period immediately following surgery and patients with chronical conditions. Pelvic floor rehabilitation is indicated in these cases: • urge / effort urinary incontinence - with the aim of using contraction perineal to inhibit the impelling stimulus and the urgency; • fecal incontinence and anal hypertonia; • male urinary incontinence after surgery - with the aim of compensating by the perineum to any injury to the sphincter; • in preparation for and after pelvic surgery to ensure a system of toned support and maintain over time results of surgical correction; • urinary retention - with the aim of achieving bladder emptying; • Certain sexual problems - with the aim of laying the physiological basis for a good vaginal sensitivity, with positive repercussions on the quality of sexual life; • postpartum with the aim of restoring functional and preventive perineal mechanics. URINAR Y BIOMEC HANICAL SE X UAL PELVIC STATIC FECAL REPRODUCTIVE Pelvic floor rehabilitation treatment includes muscle exercise (kinesiotherapy) and other support techniques: • MBF (muscle bio-feedback), • FES (functional electrical stimulation), • behavioral techniques.
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