Our Services - Don Mottola Medical Center
15 Don Mottola Medical Center Our Services - Organization 14 Don Mottola Medical Center Our Services - Residential medical care facility RESIDENTIAL MEDICAL CARE FACILITY TYPICAL PATIENTS The operative team administers multidisciplinary intensive and essential treatment to support vital functions in situations of temporary loss of autonomy following surgery and / or trauma. Mechanical and assisted ventilation, enteral or parenteral protracted nutrition, and other highly demanding specialized treatments are considered. Our focus is on highly complex care interventions, administered in a limited time, aimed at regaining or improving autonomy of (non-terminal) patients. • Patients in a vegetative state or prolonged coma • Patients with severe cardiorespiratory insufficiency • Patients with progressive neurodegenerative diseases • Moderately unstable patients in need of daily clinical monitoring; • Patients with chronic diseases (heart failure in the flare-up phase.) • Patients with acute chronic events MEDICAL TEAM Full-time presence at the Don Mottola unit Medical specialists: Cardiologist Physiatrist Neurologist Geriatrician SANITARY PATH Clinical classification and monitoring. • Functional and instrumental evaluations. • Formulation of a rehabilitative DIAGNOSIS. • Elaboration of an individual rehabilitation PROJECT. • Formulation of the REHABILITATION PROGRAM. • Handover to an INTERPROFESSIONAL team. • Three hours of rehabilitation-assistance activities / day. • Facilitating the adaptation of the disabled person to their living environment. • Individual or group rehabilitation • Particular attention to socialization and employment objectives ORGANIZATION HEAD OFFICE VIA ROMA 270 MONTEROSSO CALABRO(VV) ITALY TEL 0963/325241-FAX 0963/343718 Email :info@villadellerosesrl.com FACILITY SIZE 20 beds i n the Don Mottola residential nursing home (continuous cycle) unit. 20 beds in the residential medical care facility unit Extensive daytime non-hospital rehabilitation center.
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