Our Services - Don Mottola Medical Center
16 17 Don Mottola Medical Center Our Services - Practical information Don Mottola Medical Center Our Services - Practical information/ Privacy WHAT TO BRING FOR THE STAY • Clinical documentation relating to any hospitalizations and tests performed previously, (exams, x-rays, letters of discharge from previous hospitalizations) to be requested at the time of discharge from referring physician; • List of medications you are taking (bring a complete list, checked if possible with your doctor, accompanied by the original packaging); • Personal linen: non-slip slippers, pajamas or nightgowns, dressing gown, towels; • Personal toilet accessories; • For those with dental or hearing aids, a special container will be provided in the ward for a safe custody. MEALS The choice of the menu one qay in advance: a person in charge will pass every day in the ward between 12.00 and 16.00 for registration of the reservation. If the doctor determines the need for a special diet, the doctor himself will prescribe it, in agreement with the dietician and, where possible, with the patient. If the patient's choices are not compatible with the diet chosen by the doctor, tray will be composed in a different way from what was booked by the patient. Meals served include wrapped cutlery with napkin and water. BEHAVIOR For the safety, well-being and comfort of each patient, compliance with some rules is required: • Respect the conditions of the other patients, avoid talking loudly and reduce as much as possible the volume of the mobile phone ringtone; • Do not cause obstruction to sanitary activities (leave the room when requested by the sanitary and NEVER interrupt nurses during the administration of therapies); • Observe rules of hygiene, order and decorum (eg: visitors cannot use the patients' bathroom); • Video and photographs are not authorized, by any means, inside the hospital premises. • During the conventional visiting hours, the simultaneous presence of no more than two is accepted people for each patient. The extra-hourly stay, where foreseen, is allowed for one person only at a time. During the night it is not allowed to use common areas of the ward (eg sitting rooms). It is not allowed to set up makeshift beds at night. PRACTICAL INFORMATION THEFT It is advisable to keep only strictly necessary and modest value personal effects in the ward. Our Institute does not fall under the obligation of custody, provided for by Articles 1783 and following of the civil code (concerning the deposit of property in the hotel), nor our staff are authorized to take into custody personal effects of patients. Should this notice be disregarded, Don Mottola Medical Center cannot be held liable for any thefts that may occur within the premises. All bedrooms have lockable wardrobes. RELIGI OUS SERVICES The chaplains are available for religious assistance in all departments. Anyone wishing to contact them can contact the head nurse. Patients belonging to religions other than Catholic can autonomously contact their own religious representatives, or ask the Chaplains for their contact details. MEDICAL RECORDS After discharge, the patient can request, for a fee, a certified copy of the Medical Record, • At the reception desk: Mon-Fri 8.00-16.00; Closed Saturday • By e-mail to the address: info@donmottolamedicalcenter.it / Pec_ villedellerosesrl@pec.it • By accessing the link: https: //www.donmottolamedicalcenter; • Paper/ Hard copies: by mail. Where to collect hard copies: • Presenting yourself at the reception of the center 8.00-16.00; Closed Saturdays • For information: +39 0963 1843019 (Mon-Fri 8.30-12.30) RIGHT TO PROTECTION Citizens who believe they have suffered a disservice has the right to submit a report to the Public Relations Office (URP). PRIVACY Don Mottola Medical Center respects for its patients the specific legislation on treatment of personal data as part of the activity that can be exercised within the health facility in its various organizational articulations as related to the prevention, treatment, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and health or social assistance or therapy, pursuant to art. 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 ("GDPR") and of the European and national legislation that integrates and / or modifies it ("Applicable Privacy Law"), therein including the regulations on the protection of personal data referred to in Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 101/2018 (hereinafter, "Privacy Code"). The data protection officer ("Data Protection Officer" or "DPO"), as required by GDPR, with surveillance, supervision and specialist consultancy tasks in the privacy field, can be contacted for any support at the following e-mail address: dpovilladellerosesrl.com
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