Our Services - Don Mottola Medical Center

4 5 Don Mottola Medical Center Our Services- Extensive in-recovery rehab Don Mottola Medical Center Our Services- Extensive in-recovery rehab THE DON MOTTOLA MEDICAL CENTER- BACKGROUND FIELDS OF EXPERTISE Don Mottola Medical Center is the new health and social reality that Villa delle Rose Srl makes available to the Calabrian community for the management of disabilities in fragile subjects. It was born out of the former center of “Ospitalità Don Mottola”, founded by Blessed Don Francesco Mottola and managed by the Secular Institute” Oblate del Sacro Cuore di Gesù” Villa delle Rose Villa delle rose, which is the parent organization, has years of experience in giving assistance to people with disabilities and their families in Calabria. Starting with the Don Mottola Center a multi-professional and interdisciplinary team has been set up which will be capable of taking charge of all aspects of the patient's disability through the definition of individualized care plans. The state-of the art technological equipment of the structure is also very important for the execution of an individualized, traceable rehabilitation project quantifiable in terms of application and effectiveness. METHODOLOGY • Assessment of different types of impairments and disabilities; • Rehab of motor impairments; • Functional rehab of motor disabilities; • Respiratory rehab • Cardiology rehab; • Vesico-sphincter rehab; • Gastroenterological rehab; • Cardiovascular rehab; • Instrumental physical therapy; • Rehab of neuropsychological disorders in the field of communication; • Rehab of cognitive functions; • Psychological assistance; • Prosthetic and oral activity; • Occupational therapy; • Management of internal problems; • Education and training of the disabled and their family members; • Social care The Don Mottola Medical Center offers rehabilitative interventions and personalized care projects, characterized by high specialization and multidisciplinary approach, aimed at obtaining functional recovery, enhancement of residual skills and social reintegration. To achieve these objectives, we: • Involve and share with patients and their families any choice of rehabilitation path. • Make clinical choices based on scientific evidence intended as a tool for transparent evaluation of appropriateness and as a verification of effectiveness and efficiency. • Support a methodology of continuous improvements based on measurement of the results obtained. • Promote a teamwork culture for all health professions through traceability of needs and healthcare offer. • Enhance professional resources through continuous updating of technical, organizational and relational skills, • Promote technological progress in the rehabilitation process of the patient. • Monitor and analyze the satisfaction of patients and their families to improve quality standards of the service offered.